The Average Monthly Cost of Car Insurance
Insurance is a necessity and can be very expensive. For most people, the use of a number of discounts can lower that cost to some degree, however, it is not always enough. One of the most common types of insurance discounts is the paid in full discount which eliminates paperwork and time for the insurance company. But, for the consumer, that means that you must pay a full six to twelve months worth of insurance premiums at one time. That can get very pricey, very quickly. Instead, some people opt to pay their insurance by the month.
The Advantage of Paying Insurance By the Month – There are some advantages of paying monthly. These include:
- Lower down payment
- Small monthly payment rather than paying a large lump sum
- Better ability to budget that expense
- Flexibility- if you have extra one month you can pay more, if you do not, you pay your regular amount. If you pay extra, it can change the next month’s payment amount.
- You can take advantage of changes in insurance laws and rates as they happen rather than waiting to the end of a term
Disadvantages of Paying insurance By the Month – There are some disadvantages as well. These include:
- Higher overall cost for your auto insurance
- Some companies tack on additional fees for these policies because they create extra work
- May reduce your choices in insurance companies or policies because not all insurance carriers offer this option
If your insurance carrier does not offer monthly payments and you can afford to do so, you can pay a three month policy and then budget the rest in a special account to make the next three month payment.
Ways to Make a Monthly Payment Lower
Even though paying by the month is not the most cost effective way to buy auto insurance in general, there are ways to make it more affordable. Here are some suggestions to consider:
- Reduce the amount of coverage to the lowest that you can bear. For instance, if your car is more than five years old, consider going to the state minimum instead of full coverage insurance to save more than a few hundred dollars on a policy.
- Increase the amount of the deductible that you are willing to carry on your auto policy which will also lower your insurance rates.
- Look for insurance carriers that have low rates, typically the insurance companies with the fewest thrills and extras.
- Consider buying and paying for your insurance online instead of through an agent.
- Insure only yourself with an exclusionary policy. This is not a good policy if you allow anyone else to drive your vehicle. However, if you are a single person without any other licensed drivers in your home, it makes sense.
Know the Risks in Your Area
Your monthly insurance rate is determined by more than just the kind of car that you drive, your age and your credit rating. Where you live can also play a major role in your auto insurance costs. These factors can raise your insurance dramatically:
- Areas with increased natural threats like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes or flooding.
- Areas with increased threats from animal damage
- Areas with increased crime rates, usually urban areas. Auto theft rates can dramatically raise insurance rates within that city and may sometimes impact surrounding cities as well.
Another thing that can cause insurance rates to go up in your local area is insurance fraud. The insurance companies lose billions of dollars every year due to insurance fraud and they will work to recoup that money in any way that they can. Florida and Louisiana are the two states with the highest rate of insurance fraud at this moment.
Look for Discounts that Protect You from Some Risks
If you can get discounts to save you money, it is important to do so. There are a number of ways that you can protect your vehicle while saving yourself some money in the process. These include:
- An anti-theft device on your car.
- Safety equipment on your car whether they are standard or added.
- A safe driving record. One of the best ways to keep your costs low is with a clear record.
- A reliable, low to insure car. If you are in the market for a new vehicle, always check the insurance costs when making your choices
Tips for Getting a Great Car Insurance Rate
Nobody wants to get duped with their car insurance rates. There are precautions you can take to ensure you are at least in the ballpark of the average price of car insurance, not on the short end of the stick.
What is your average price of car insurance dependent on?
Believe it or not, there are set factors that help determine the average price of car insurance. Knowing them will help you to find better rates. A few keys to this process are:
- age
- marital status
- residence location
- type of vehicle you drive
Now some things you are stuck with such as your age and location, although you can get married and choose a vehicle that will lower your average price of car insurance if you do a little research.
Understand Your Coverage Types
This one is gold when it comes to getting the best average price of car insurance around. Each policy has varying factors that may or may not apply to you, and it’s extremely important you understand before signing on the dotted line.
- Property damage liability – This basically takes care of any property you damage with your vehicle and is required in all but three states.
- Bodily injury liability – This one is necessary when figuring out the average price of car insurance that’s best for you. It covers death and injury claims against you as the result of an accident. If you kill or injury someone, you better make sure your back is covered.
- Medical payments – When figuring out the best average price of car insurance for you, this one is a bit of a gamble. It covers any medical expenses to you or your car occupants if you have an accident.
- Collision damage coverage – This policy takes care of expenses up to the book value of your vehicle at the time of the accident. A deductible is usually paid before you can receive your claim, and this one is pretty important when searching for the best average cost of car insurance.
- Uninsured coverage – It is another gamble with this one when computing the most reasonable average price of car insurance for you. This covers someone who causes an accident without insurance coverage.
- Physical damage or comprehensive – This one takes care of all the extras such as damage to your vehicle from vandalism, natural disasters such as fire and flooding and various other incidents with non-accidental triggers. This will definitely affect the average price of car insurance and also includes a deductible.
Type of Vehicle
The kind of vehicle you have most definitely affects your average price of car insurance. If you are looking to drive a luxury vehicle, you are going to increase the cost of insurance tremendously. In other words, your insurance company is going to nail you!
These calculations are usually influenced by:
- kind of car
- cost to fix and replace
- how ‘hot’ it is
If you are going to sport a Porsche instead of a Toyota Corolla, you are going to pay more for your average price of car insurance and it all comes down to cost.
If your vehicle is foreign and it costs an arm and a leg to get it fixed, this will influence the average price of car insurance you pay. That just makes sense. Another factor is how ‘hot’ your vehicle is. In other words, if people like to steal your kind of vehicle, such as an SUV for example, you will pay more for the average cost of car insurance.
Your Personal Status
Exactly ‘who’ you are is going to directly affect your rate with your search for the best average price of car insurance. Some factors you can control and others you cannot. Most are dependent on: age, sex, driving record, marriage status.
Your age directly determines what your average price of car insurance will be. Young, single males seem to get nailed the most. If you are a young man, you’re considered more ‘risky’ and will pay more for your car insurance.
Of course your driving record also comes into account, and that one is pretty self explanatory. Drive well for cheaper rates, be accident prone and you are in for trouble! Believe it or not, your marital status is also often considered because if you are married you are suppose to be settled, tamed and responsible. Talk about a generalization!
When searching for your best average price of car insurance, it pays to do a little research, ask questions and before you sign on the dotted line make sure you have made adjustments where you can. Because when it comes to lowering your average price of car insurance every penny counts!
Finding The Best Car Insurance Rates Is Worth A Few Minutes Of Your Time!
Getting the best price for your car insurance isn’t going to be easy because…well it just isn’t! Everybody is out there to save money, and unfortunately car insurance salesmen have their sights on making a nice buck and that leaves you in a peculiar situation.
How Do You Know If You Are Getting the Best Rate?
Well you don’t, unless you are willing to put in a little time and do some research. A word of caution – do NOT just take the word of your insurance rep because they are not working for you. A car insurance representative is paid by the insurance company, so don’t kid yourself; they aren’t going to put too much effort into lowering your average cost of car insurance.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when scouring the globe for the best average cost of car insurance for you:
- ask and you shall receive
- shop around
- schedule meetings
- know your policy
Ask and you shall receive is a pretty basic concept that’s incredibly effective when it comes to ensuring you are getting the best average cost of car insurance. Have your agent check your rate and question him or her about getting a better rate. Without you the company is losing money, so if you give the agent a little pressure, he might get off his butt and get working for you.
Shopping around doesn’t hurt anybody. It’s not illegal, and information is power when it comes to saving money. Who knows, you just might strike it rich with a company that can let you have your cake and eat it too. You never know until you try!
Having regular meeting set up with your agent will also help you keep on top of things. Saving even a few dollars a month off the average cost of car insurance can really add up. And if your agent understands you are keeping an eye on things, he may just pull a rabbit out of his hat once in awhile for you. Bottom line is, having routine get-togethers about twice a year can only help.
This one is incredibly important because understanding the details of your policy will help you find the best average cost of car insurance. If you know the coverage details you have chosen, you are able to make comparisons. This, of course, is critical in attaining the lowest average cost of car insurance for you. Get smart, know what you’ve got and don’t trust anybody else to explain it to you.
This leads us to the next step of what to ask to get your best average cost of car insurance.
Insurance Questions to Ask
1. Am I getting all the discounts possible?
There are discounts for the average cost of car insurance that can save you a bundle. Some you will know about, and others you won’t, so you’ve got to ask. Many companies will give you a discount if you’ve passed a safe-driving course of sorts. Others may offer discounts if you’ve got a car alarm, air bag and other safety precautions in your vehicle. The reason for this is because you lower the chances of someone stealing your wheels.
There are often discounts offered if you are a professional of sorts or don’t have a long commute to work. It’s worth your while to ask these questions because they can knock a whole lot off the bottom line.
2. Is it worth it to have collision and comprehensive coverage?
If you have collision coverage, it will take care of any damage from an accident regardless of who is at fault. With comprehensive insurance, you’ve got coverage for damage caused by other things, such as theft or natural disasters. You need to ask your agent if it’s worth it to have both because this question could help you save loads on the average cost of car insurance you are going to pay.
3. Are uninsured motorists covered on my policy?
This is not mandatory in all states, but you might want it if you don’t have it. Getting coverage for uninsured motorists will protect you if someone driving without coverage happens to smack into you. If not, you are on your own. Most people can’t afford every coverage because it will push the average cost of car insurance up, but it may be worth your while.
If you can afford it, then it’s probably worth considering.
4. If my vehicles get demolished, how much are you going to pay?
Unfortunately this question often isn’t asked and comes back to bite people in the rear when it actually happens. Make sure you understand the ‘actual cash value’ and ‘agreed upon value’ and make sure it reflects your situation accurately. With your ‘actual cash value’, it’s what the vehicle is worth at the time of the crash. This may be considerably less than what it will cost you to replace it. This is one scenario that often comes back to haunt people.
With an ‘agreed upon amount’ in your policy, you will have a little bit of flexibility. Now this is going to be reflected in a higher premium and will boost the average cost of car insurance for you, but it may be well worth it.
5. If new parts are needed, will I get premium parts?
There are some companies that will guarantee premium parts, and others that won’t. If this is important to you, then make sure you get it in writing. Don’t kid yourself because an insurance company is going to try and cut costs wherever they can.
Taking precautions to make sure you are getting the lowest average cost of car insurance that gives you the coverage you need is important. Take the time to do some research, make sure you understand your insurance policy and understand what you have and need. This will save you a whole lot of heartache if and when it comes time to make a claim!
Lowering the Average Cost of Audi Insurance
Are you getting the best rates on your car insurance? For most of us, we either feel that we are getting good rates or that we are paying too much. Probably, it is the latter of the two that is the most accurate for most people. This is because not many people realize that they can find many ways to save money on their insurance rates, and they tend to just take what is offered to them at face value. It is so important to shop around for car insurance, even if you have a newer model vehicle, such as an Audi, that has all of the latest safety features. If you play your cards right, there are things you can do to lower the average cost of Audi insurance.
New Audi Safety Features
The new Audi Q7 has many of the latest safety features, and is a good car to get if you want to save money on car insurance. One of the features of the Audi Q7 is the driver, passenger, side head and rear head air bags. Other safety features on this latest Audi model include:
- Traction Control
- Electronic Stability Control
- 5-MPH Front and Rear Bumpers
- Crash Sensor System
- Impact Protection
- 3-Point Adjustable Seatbelts
Safety features are not the only thing that insurers look for when calculating insurance rates. If you are getting a newer model vehicle, you will probably want to have full coverage. If your vehicle has an anti-theft system, you may be eligible for a discount. The new Audi’s have vehicle anti-theft systems and alarms to help keep them from being stolen or vandalized. These will help to lower the average cost of Audi insurance.
A Good Driving Record Entitles You to Insurance Discounts
If you have a proven record of being a safe driver for a certain number of years, most insurers will offer you a safe driver discount. Of course, you are going to have to ask about it. They are not just going to come right out and offer discounts if they don’t have to do so. Having an excellent driving record deserves a reward, and all you have to do is ask for it. Don’t be afraid to ask other insurers about their rates, even if you already think you are paying the average cost of Audi insurance. It may be that you are paying too much, and you can get a lower rate in addition to a safe driver discount.
Whether you are looking for insurance for the first time or you already have car insurance, it is a good idea to see what a variety of insurers are offering for products and rates. Rather than spend a lot of time on the telephone, let us do the work for you. Simply fill out the short questionnaire about your car insurance needs, and we will get you quotes from a number of insurers in your area, and maybe you will be able to get better than the average cost of Audi insurance.
Average Car Insurance in Oklahoma – What to Expect
If you are a new resident, you will need to know about the average car insurance in Oklahoma rates and carry an insurance policy to be a legal driver. Or maybe you are just now getting your driver’s license for the first time, or your very own auto insurance policy. The reason doesn’t matter, but making sure you have financial protection in the event of an accident does.
In fact, if you get caught without car insurance, you could receive fines, penalties and points against your license for driving illegally. Don’t make this mistake. Protect yourself when it comes to your auto insurance protection and you will be glad you did. Of course to avoid having too little coverage you need to know about state requirements.
For the average car insurance in Oklahoma policy to be diving legally you need:
- 25/50/25 – What this means is the amount of bodily injury and personal property damage you need to carry. The first number is the $25,000 per person per accident for bodily injury you must have by law. The middle number, $50,000, is the total bodily injury covered for any one accident in which you are the driver at fault. Finally, the other $25,000 is for coverage for personal property per accident.
You can, of course, carry more than this, and it would be a good idea. Take even the $25,000 for personal property. If you total another driver’s car out in an accident, you are covered for only up to this amount. If the other person involved was driving a new financed vehicle this amount could easily be double this figure. This would mean any additional expenses over the $25,000 would be your financial responsibility out of your own funds. In other words, it is a good idea to keep yourself extra protected.
Smart & Safe Drivers
If you are looking for the average car insurance in Oklahoma rates, then you may be a new driver. Keep in mind keeping a safe and clean driving record is the best way to save money on insurance rates. Avoid:
- Minor fender benders
- Distracted driving including cell phone usage, texting or using a handheld mobile device
- Small tickets that can lead to big problems
- Driving Under the Influence or Driving While Intoxicated
- Driving without insurance
In fact, once you have a policy it is important not to allow it to lapse. If you have a gap in your policy of 30 days or more, you could end up being put in the high risk category. This is the most expensive driver classification you can be in and will end up costing you more until you establish a better driving or insurance history.
The bottom line is the better driver you are the better your rates will be. Start being the savvy driver and consumer you can be by using your zip code to get FREE quotes brought to you. Getting quotes for your average car insurance in Oklahoma policy rates will be the best thing you do to protect yourself and save money on car insurance.
Discover the Dodge Average Car Insurance Rates for Your New Vehicle
Finding out the Dodge average car insurance cost is a little tricky because much of it depends on the type of vehicle you are considering. Also your own driving record will have a big impact on the premium rates you pay. Lastly, the very state you live in will play a large role in what your car insurance rates will look like.
With that in mind, here is a list of some of the most popular models you may be looking for the Dodge average car insurance cost of:
- Dodge Shadow
- Dodge Dakota
- Dodge Neon
- Dodge Ram
- Dodge Intrepid
- Dodge Caravan
There are plenty more styles and models to choose from, these are however the most common ones to search for rates for. Whether you already own one or are currently shopping around, the Dodge average car insurance cost may help you decide which one to get.
Crunching the Numbers
If you want to be a wise consumer you should do what few other drivers bother to do while browsing for cars and look into insurance rates. Most buyers wait until after they get their vehicle to get quotes for their new insurance policy. By doing the opposite you could make some wise choices and save money on both the vehicle and your insurance policy.
If you already have some possible models in mind, you can do an insurance rate check before you buy your vehicle. By doing this you know what you are getting into ahead of time. This also gives you a chance to find out how you could lower these numbers. For example:
- Getting the less sporty model of a new car could help lower your premiums.
- Opting to include more safety features instead of the extra DVD player will also lower your rates.
- Add an anti-theft deterrent and you will likely see a drop as well.
- Even to color of the vehicle you like could play a role, so choose accordingly.
Keep in mind even if you are out browsing and think you have found the vehicle you want, get your Dodge average car insurance cost first. You should be able to get access to the internet and get your quotes this way. Don’t just go with the company the dealership may be suggesting, at least not until you first get your FREE quotes to compare here.
Too many drivers shop for the vehicle first and the auto insurance second. In some cases you may end up spending close to the same amount on your auto insurance as you do your car loan payment each month. Only savvy shoppers know to shop for insurance first and learn to save a bundle.
The Financed Dodge
If you have never financed or leased a vehicle before, you may not yet be aware of how much car insurance runs for this situation. In addition to whatever coverage your state makes mandatory to drive legally, you will also need whatever the lender requires to cover the vehicle. Generally as part of your Dodge average car insurance cost for the leased or financed vehicle you will need:
- Collision car insurance covers you in the event of a collision with another car in which you are the at fault driver. Keep in mind, though, this policy usually only covers a collision with another vehicle.
- Comprehensive auto coverage for your Dodge will make up for most of what collision lacks. In fact, comprehensive usually covers you should you be the at fault driver in an accident involving things other than a car such as an animal or building. If you want your Dodge protected from storms, hail, fire, natural disasters and even theft, comprehensive insurance usually covers this.
- GAP is actually an acronym for Guaranteed Auto Protection, but this coverage also fills in a major gap your other insurance may leave between the value of the car and what you actually owe. If you should have an accident in which your new vehicle is totaled out or if the car is stolen and not retrieved, the standard policy will cover the value of the car. You would still be responsible for the difference between that and what you owe, which can easily be thousands of dollars.
Whatever type of vehicle you are looking for, using just your zip code can help you be on your way to getting great auto insurance rates. Start today and find out how Dodge average car insurance cost for you can be even lower.
Average Car Insurance Prices – Are You Paying Too Much?
Looking to find out what the average car insurance prices in your area may be? This is not as simple as being able to just give a number because there are simply too many factors that go into determining rates. Much of it depends on factors such as:
- Your age
- Driving and insurance history
- Type of car you drive
- How many miles you drive
- State you live in and even your own zip code
It also depends on the type of insurance coverage you want or need. Keep in mind almost every state requires some minimum level of auto insurance coverage to be behind the wheel as a legal driver. To avoid having legal and financial troubles related to driving or having an accident without insurance coverage, make sure to get your policy.
Finding You Savings
Of course the amount you end up paying for your average car insurance prices can also be cheaper if you know a few things. There are little details you should know about to help ensure that what you pay to insure yourself as a driver is as low as possible. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- If you are in the military or are a retired vet you qualify for discounted rates. Work with a company that offers military discounts to insure drivers and their family members. In fact there are other groups and organizations you may be able to get discounts for by being affiliated with. Find out if your group membership can earn you discounts.
- For younger drivers under the age of 25, make sure you look for ways to make your “high risk” insurance rates as low as possible. If you are in high school, you should take driver’s education class. High school and even some college students may also qualify for a good student’s discount depending on your grades. Also, if you get married before the age of 25 even that will lower your rates. Just be aware of what may help lower the average car insurance prices for you.
- Keep your car buying to a safe versus sporty model, and you will save a good deal on your coverage premiums. Details down to the color of the paint can impact your rates so be sure to browse for car insurance rates before you decide on which car to buy. Add safety features and anti-theft devices when possible and your savings will seriously increase.
- Keep all of your insurance policies with one provider and you may be surprised by the rates you can get. Instead of having different policies and insurance carriers for your car, renters and motorcycle policies, use the same one for all of them. In fact, make sure all the drivers in your household get on one policy so all of you can save. Not only does this save you money, it makes bill paying that much easier.
- While on the subject of bill paying, how and how often you pay are two other things that can impact your rates. If you pay quarterly or annually for your car insurance, you will get better rates than if you pay monthly. Not to mention you can get cheaper average car insurance prices for your policy if you go paperless with your billing. Set up your payments to come directly out of your checking or savings account or have it billed to your credit card. Any of these approaches will slash prices on your premiums.
There are dozens of other tricks that can help you save on your car insurance. These are just a few of the most common details that often apply but also get overlooked.
What’s Your Average?
There are some things that can affect your premium prices negatively. Although you can easily use just your zip code to get access to your FREE auto insurance quotes, you should be prepared for things that can ding your history or impact your rates. This does not mean you will be unable to find cheap car insurance, but you should just be aware of potential hurdles such as:
- Your credit score. Although you can generally work around that these days.
- Your driving history. This can be more serious if you have serious driving infractions such as DUIs. Even being caught without car insurance coverage or having a long lapse in your coverage can cause you to be in the “high risk” category and pay higher premiums. This is especially true if you are required to get SR22 insurance to drive legally.
For that reason it is important to…
- Make sure you have some sort of policy at all times. Even if you are not planning on driving much and are just borrowing a friend’s car to occasionally run errands, make sure you have non owner’s car insurance. No matter what your driving situation is, more than likely there is an auto insurance policy custom made to meet your needs.
Moving Around
A common mistake drivers make when it comes to average car insurance prices is not changing their policy when they move. For one thing even a different zip code within the same state can drastically change your rates. Make sure if you are planning to move you get quotes for your new zip code to see if your rates will be higher or lower.
Also, if you move to a new state, you must change this with your policy provider. The minimum state guidelines change state to state. If you do not have the coverage needed for your new state, you could be caught driving illegally. Also make sure your policy provider adjusts the policy to your current state minimums or you could also be overpaying for your car insurance.
If you want to find out how low your rates could be, use your zip code to get started. In no time you will find the average car insurance prices you get are cheaper than you ever thought possible.
Saving Money on the Average Cost of Honda Car Insurance
We all have regular bills we have to pay, including car insurance. This is one bill that we all hate to pay because we feel that we are paying way too much for the coverage we are receiving. But, at the same time, not many people bother to shop around to get the best prices or find ways to get discounts. One good way to save money on insurance is to have a newer model vehicle. Take the new Honda cars for instance. These vehicles have many of the latest safety features. Having these features can help to reduce the average cost of Honda car insurance.
Honda Safety Features
The latest Honda models all come equipped with safety features that insurers will take into consideration when calculating your insurance rates. If you are in the market for a new car, the Honda FIT has so many safety features that it will definitely let you have lower insurance rates, and you can feel safe when you and your family are in the vehicle. The safety features on the Honda FIT include:
- 6 Airbags – These standard air bags are located on the front, front side and side curtain.
- Crush Zones – The Honda Fit has energy-absorbing crush zones.
- ACE™ Body Structure – This protects passengers in head-on collisions.
- Honda Safety – ABS Braking System, Active Front Head Restraints, Vehicle Stability™ (VSA®) mean a safer driving experience..
Other Ways to Save Money
Having a newer model vehicle with the latest safety features is just one way that you can save money on the cost of car insurance. Here are some other tips to help lower your rates:
- Be a Safe Driver – The longer you have a clean driving record, the better your chances are going to be of getting a safe driver discount.
- Take a Driver Training Course – These courses aren’t just for teenagers in high school. Anyone can benefit from driver training courses, not only for the lower insurance rates, but also for the valuable driving skills they will learn.
- Belong to Organizations – Membership of certain organizations, such as AAA, AARP and others can provide discounts on insurance. When shopping around for insurance quotes, be sure to mention any organizations you are a member of to see if you qualify for any discounts.
When you can prove that you are eligible for discounts, you will be able to save money on the average cost of Honda car insurance.
Shop Around for the Best Deals
In addition to being eligible for discounts and having a newer model vehicle, another great way to save money on car insurance is to shop around for the best rates. Insurance companies all offer different products and rates, and it could be that if you don’t shop around, you are going to end up paying way too much for your coverage. We can help. Just answer the short questionnaire about your auto insurance needs, and we will get quotes from many insurers in your area to get you better than the average cost of Honda car insurance.
What Exactly Is the Average Car Insurance in Wisconsin?
If you are getting ready to relocate, you may be wondering what the average car insurance in Wisconsin is. Or maybe you are just getting your own auto insurance policy for the first time. You may even already have an auto insurance policy in place but aren’t sure if you are playing fair premium rates or not. Whatever the reason may be, trying to learn about what the average car insurance in Wisconsin rates are can be a useful tool.
Of course the thing to keep in mind is that trying to determine what exactly the average cost is can be quite complicated. Think about all the different things that can impact your rates, the good and the bad.
- Your driving record. Young drivers with no history are considered “high risk”.
- Your insurance record. If you have allowed your coverage to lapse for 30 days or more, you may also be lumped into the higher risk category and need to pay higher rates.
- The type of car you drive. The safer and more family friendly, the cheaper the average car insurance in Wisconsin will be for you. Not to mention if your vehicle is financed your rates will be much different.
- How you use your vehicle. If you are using it for a major part of your work day or as an occasional monthly Sunday drive, the rates will be much different.
Obviously there is a great deal more than this that goes into your average car insurance in Wisconsin. These are just some of the factors you should be aware of when you are getting your own quotes. Of course, a great deal of the pricing also has to do with the type of insurance policy you are planning to get.
Getting the Right Wisconsin Auto Policy for You
For many drivers, simply getting the minimum state required car insurance policy coverage is enough. At the present moment Wisconsin requires:
- 25/50/10 – The first number represents the minimum amount of $25,000 required for bodily injury per person in an accident. The middle number is $50,000 and is the total coverage you must carry for all bodily injury expenses per accident in total. The final number, $10,000, is the amount you must have in place for property damage.
Any costs above and beyond this amount will still be yours to take care of from your own pocket. In addition to this, if you carry only the state minimum required your own expenses will not be covered including medical expenses. Consider getting something more than the Wisconsin state minimum if you do not have health insurance or your car is of enough value.
So knowing what type of coverage you need is probably the best way to determine what the average car insurance in Wisconsin for you will be. If you are looking for nothing more than the state minimum, that’s understandable. The important thing is to make sure you are insured at least at this level before getting behind the wheel of a car. Not only is driving without insurance illegal, if you should have an accident, it will be your financial responsibility from out of pocket.
Other policies you may want include:
- Collision – This along with comprehensive and possibly gap are important usually for financed and leased vehicles. Also if your car is paid for but still of value you may want this policy. If you are the at fault driver in a collision involving another vehicle, collision coverage will keep you protected.
- Comprehensive – If you need protection from collisions involving anything other than a vehicle, this is just right for you. In addition you will probably have coverage from fires, storms, acts of God and even theft with comprehensive.
- Gap coverage – When you finance a new car the amount you owe on the loan is greater than the actual value of the car. If something should happen and the car is totaled out or stolen, you would be financially responsible for this difference, which can be thousands of dollars. Protect yourself from paying these thousands of dollars on a car you no longer have with gap coverage.
- Non Owner – This is ideal for drivers who are not driving their own car or even driving very often. Whenever you get behind the wheel of a car, you must be insured, and this is a great way to make sure you are protected. Remember, a lapse of 30 days or more will cause you to have issues trying to get a policy at a later date. Put this in place and you will avoid lapses.
- Uninsured Motorist – It may seem unfair, but in the event that you have a collision with a driver who does not have insurance you need to protect yourself. Without uninsured motorist coverage, you can try to recoup your damages in court but more than likely you will end up paying for all of these expenses yourself. Having uninsured motorist coverage is cheaper than paying for all of these expenses yourself.
There are plenty more types of insurance policies you could include, but these are the most common ones. Most importantly get the basics of what you must have to protect yourself legally and financially as a driver on the roads of Wisconsin.
The Bottom Line
Whether you already have car insurance and want to shop for better rates or are getting a new policy for the first time, getting quotes is the best approach to take. Don’t make the mistake of overpaying for your car insurance when there are easy ways to avoid doing so. To get started it takes nothing more than your zip code to get started.
From there you will get quotes delivered to you and you can choose the best coverage for the lowest prices. Beat the odds and get even better rates when it comes to average car insurance in Wisconsin rates.