Average Cost of Car Insurance

Average Car Insurance Cost

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What Exactly Is the Average Car Insurance in Wisconsin?

If you are getting ready to relocate, you may be wondering what the average car insurance in Wisconsin is. Or maybe you are just getting your own auto insurance policy for the first time. You may even already have an auto insurance policy in place but aren’t sure if you are playing fair premium rates or not. Whatever the reason may be, trying to learn about what the average car insurance in Wisconsin rates are can be a useful tool.

Of course the thing to keep in mind is that trying to determine what exactly the average cost is can be quite complicated. Think about all the different things that can impact your rates, the good and the bad.

  • Your driving record. Young drivers with no history are considered “high risk”.
  • Your insurance record. If you have allowed your coverage to lapse for 30 days or more, you may also be lumped into the higher risk category and need to pay higher rates.
  • The type of car you drive. The safer and more family friendly, the cheaper the average car insurance in Wisconsin will be for you. Not to mention if your vehicle is financed your rates will be much different.
  • How you use your vehicle. If you are using it for a major part of your work day or as an occasional monthly Sunday drive, the rates will be much different.

Obviously there is a great deal more than this that goes into your average car insurance in Wisconsin. These are just some of the factors you should be aware of when you are getting your own quotes. Of course, a great deal of the pricing also has to do with the type of insurance policy you are planning to get.

Getting the Right Wisconsin Auto Policy for You

For many drivers, simply getting the minimum state required car insurance policy coverage is enough. At the present moment Wisconsin requires:

  • 25/50/10 – The first number represents the minimum amount of $25,000 required for bodily injury per person in an accident. The middle number is $50,000 and is the total coverage you must carry for all bodily injury expenses per accident in total. The final number, $10,000, is the amount you must have in place for property damage.

Any costs above and beyond this amount will still be yours to take care of from your own pocket. In addition to this, if you carry only the state minimum required your own expenses will not be covered including medical expenses. Consider getting something more than the Wisconsin state minimum if you do not have health insurance or your car is of enough value.

So knowing what type of coverage you need is probably the best way to determine what the average car insurance in Wisconsin for you will be. If you are looking for nothing more than the state minimum, that’s understandable. The important thing is to make sure you are insured at least at this level before getting behind the wheel of a car. Not only is driving without insurance illegal, if you should have an accident, it will be your financial responsibility from out of pocket.

Other policies you may want include:

  • Collision – This along with comprehensive and possibly gap are important usually for financed and leased vehicles. Also if your car is paid for but still of value you may want this policy. If you are the at fault driver in a collision involving another vehicle, collision coverage will keep you protected.
  • Comprehensive – If you need protection from collisions involving anything other than a vehicle, this is just right for you. In addition you will probably have coverage from fires, storms, acts of God and even theft with comprehensive.
  • Gap coverage – When you finance a new car the amount you owe on the loan is greater than the actual value of the car. If something should happen and the car is totaled out or stolen, you would be financially responsible for this difference, which can be thousands of dollars. Protect yourself from paying these thousands of dollars on a car you no longer have with gap coverage.
  • Non Owner – This is ideal for drivers who are not driving their own car or even driving very often. Whenever you get behind the wheel of a car, you must be insured, and this is a great way to make sure you are protected. Remember, a lapse of 30 days or more will cause you to have issues trying to get a policy at a later date. Put this in place and you will avoid lapses.
  • Uninsured Motorist – It may seem unfair, but in the event that you have a collision with a driver who does not have insurance you need to protect yourself. Without uninsured motorist coverage, you can try to recoup your damages in court but more than likely you will end up paying for all of these expenses yourself. Having uninsured motorist coverage is cheaper than paying for all of these expenses yourself.

There are plenty more types of insurance policies you could include, but these are the most common ones. Most importantly get the basics of what you must have to protect yourself legally and financially as a driver on the roads of Wisconsin.

The Bottom Line

Whether you already have car insurance and want to shop for better rates or are getting a new policy for the first time, getting quotes is the best approach to take. Don’t make the mistake of overpaying for your car insurance when there are easy ways to avoid doing so. To get started it takes nothing more than your zip code to get started.

From there you will get quotes delivered to you and you can choose the best coverage for the lowest prices. Beat the odds and get even better rates when it comes to average car insurance in Wisconsin rates.